Inspiring Sounds Music Studio
Studio Policy
Payment Policy
Please note that the first deposits (equals to 4 lessons payment) are non-refundable. Final balance for all sessions is due and payable in full at your first lesson either in the form of post-dated cheques or cash. Please make all cheques payable to your teacher's name.
For cash payments, parents are requested to pay for a lump sum for the whole school year (all 3 semesters).
For cheque payments, parents can provide the payments in 3 installments.
If payments are not received as scheduled, the application is subject to cancellation.
The Studio reserves the right to refuse admission to any student for whom full payment has not been made in accordance with the above schedule. In such event, no refund will be made.
Payment Schedule
First deposit payment (equals to 4 lessons payment) is due on the day of registration.
Final balances of payments are due on September 1st, December 1st, March 1st and July 1st.
There are total 13 lessons in each semester. Fall semester (Sept –Dec), Winter semester (Dec – Mar) and Spring semester (Mar –June). There are only 6 lessons in Summer semester (July-Aug).
Missed Lesson Policy
There is no adjustment made for student absence and no credit will be given for lessons not attended unless it is a prolonged illness with a doctor’s note. Lessons may be made up at the discretion of the teacher. Time lost because of student’s lateness cannot be made up.
All lessons cancelled by your teacher will be rescheduled at a suitable time to you. Once make up class schedule confirmed, it cannot be rescheduled again.
In case of inclement weather, the studio will reserve the right to close the studio and cancel the lessons. Parents will be notified by emails and/or phone calls. Lessons may be made up at the discretion of the teacher. If the studio is open, lessons will continue per the norm and those lessons missed will be considered absent and not made up.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel this agreement at any time, the studio requires 30 days advanced written notice submitted to your teacher. The next 30 days fees (equals to 4 lessons payment) will be charged.
No refunds or credits will be given for any reasons after April 1st for the months of May and June.
Lessons will continue as scheduled on Statutory Holidays, School PA Days, Bus Cancellation Day (Snow Day) and March Break.
There will be Christmas Holidays and Summer Holidays. The studio will be closed and there will be no charge for the holidays.
Teacher must be informed and aware of any students possessing medication. Inhalers, epi-pens and other life sustaining items must be kept with the student’s personal items. Teacher may not give any medication to students unless a parent’s consent letter is received.
In case of emergency, your teacher will call 911 if student’s parent/guardian cannot be reached.
Media and Photo Release
Photos, recordings, videos of students may be taken periodically during classes or performances with neither extra fee nor compensation. The undersigned hereby grants the studio the right to use any performance, photography, film, videotape in which the students appear for broadcast, publication, advertising and exhibition.
Payment Receipt
Please notify your teacher if you want to receive a receipt before the end of February.
Please note that this statement is just for a record of the payment. There are no sales taxes charged on the tuition fees. Please check with the Canada Revenue Agency directly about the Children’s Arts Tax Credits.
The studio can only issue ONE original receipt per student or family. No duplicate or replacement receipt will be given.
Student Enrollment Contract
No students may use or have possession of any illegal drug, recreational cannabis or alcohol while at the studio property or outside the facility.
Violent action to other people or yourself is prohibited. Students agree to respect all members of the studio and will refrain from abusive or intimidating language or mistreatment of any kind.
Students agree to remain on studio property during the scheduled lesson time.
Teacher shall not be responsible for students’ clothing, personal possessions lost or damaged by theft, fire, and malicious mischief or otherwise. The studio specifically advises against bringing jewelry, cash or valuables to the studio.
Each student, their parent or guardian hereby releases Inspiring Sounds Music Studio and its staff, teacher, and members from claim of personal injury sustained either on studio property or excursion outside the facility.
Students agree not to deface or destroy studio property. This includes any damages inside or outside the studio. Parents will be held financially responsible for any damages.
Revised May 2018